The concept is simple and attractive - rather than commit a sizeable expenditure for software and hardware, you pay a monthly fee for a web-based website management solution hosted by your selected vendor. Such solutions integrate the website tools, publishing environment, content management system (CMS) and analytics into a single service. So, what can the SaaS website management model do for your organization you ask? Here are five benefits that will positively affect your bottom line.
Reduce IT Costs
Save Staff Time
The implementation of the SaaS website management model eliminates many of your typical maintenance and management tasks associated with licensed software and hardware. Your IT staff will no longer have to focus on supporting your server infrastructure, maintaining equipment redundancy and installing system upgrades; instead, they will be able to focus on your organization’s core business goals.
Gain Economies of Scale
The real benefit of a SaaS website management approach is the considerable cost savings you’ll experience. A true SaaS application is reflected by the economies of scale achieved with multi-tenancy. Multi-tenancy refers to a single instance of the software running on the vendor’s servers, but serving multiple clients simultaneously. This solution allows you to take advantage of the substantial investments made by the vendor into their software for a fraction of the cost.
Receive Instant Upgrades
With the SaaS website management model you have instant access to system upgrades. As soon as new or improved functionality is available, you can begin using it without having to move your organization to a new browser or operating system. A reputable provider will rollout these upgrades free of cost.
Pay as You Go
Another benefit of the SaaS website management model is the payment structure. Instead of trying to incorporate a large one-time payment for software and hardware, you pay a monthly or annual subscription fee. Most of the time, your SaaS subscription will allow you to pick and choose the features you want, instead of paying a lot of money for tools you will never use. Depending on shifts in your organization’s needs, you can then add or subtract features as your needs – or budget – changes.
In addition to these five benefits, the SaaS website management model just takes a load of an already overburdened IT staff. By transitioning to this model, you will realize a higher ROI and an overall improved staff efficiency.